I agree with you PVR. I forgot about the Pep pack. I didn't really read that as I am not a big proponent of ephedrine or the use of caffiene in a survival situation. And the issue of finding water was not addressed as as well as it should hve been, like you pointed out. I think in his discussion of water purification and carrying he mentioned places where he can find water in his area, but nothing specific as to techniques of locating and gathering water in your environment. I think he might have been assuming that common sense would prevail and if a person just looks around, there is water all over the place. Most people however, even in a survival situation, are not likely to drink swamp water, or muddy water from a tire rut in a mud road. I am gladly not most people <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.

Good comments pvr and I hope more people read this book and learn as much as well did.

On occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have for turning it to use. - Epictetus