100 feet of spring steel wire, 200 yards of 120 lb test dacron fishing line, a red ryder bb gun, a couple of 1000+ fps pneumatic spring pellet rifles (177 and 22 cal) and 5,000 rounds of ammo, a few 22 lr guns, a few boxes of 22 cb short cap ammo (whisper loads), a few more boxes of 22 lr Rem Yellow Jacket hyper vel hollow point, a few more boxes of 22 lr Rem Viper hyper vel truncated solid, a wrist rocket with 1000+ rounds of various ammo (white marbles, 00 buck, 45 cal lead balls etc). A green laser pointer in the 50 mW range, a pair of live traps. A couple of 12 ga shotguns and several hundred rounds of various loads.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)