Originally Posted By: scafool
You can get short heat cables in most building supply and hardware stores. You don't need to buy hundreds of feet of it.
I have also seen it sold as heating for oil sumps on stationary machinery and for battery warmers.
Anyway it was just a thought.

So if you are going to put a heater in the shed then why not just put an old house baseboard heater in there instead of rigging a light and thermostat controller?
I know baseboard heaters can be found fairly cheaply complete with thermostats. I think they are usually regulated so they don't get hot enough to cause a fire, but you might want to check and be sure.

I don't like the stand alone electric space heaters because they usually go too high in temperature (glowing red) on the elements and can start fires.

The heat cables scare me, maybe unjustly but it seems like a controlled short could cause a fire pretty easily. Same with baseboard heaters, heard about fires/damages.. I guess really anything could heat lamp, something fall on it, etc.. L O L.

Thanks for the ideas, not knocking you or them wink I plan to explore them all.
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