Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL
sanitation and personal hygiene items - Humans can go a long time if need be between a full-on scrub.
I wondered if they meant tampons etc. Over a 2-week crisis there's a 50:50 chance you'll need them, if you are an appropriately-aged woman. It came fairly high on the list, so I guess most people don't have a "just in time" stocking policy for these.

two week supply of potable water for each family member - Carrying even a minimum weeks supply is a weighty proposition.
Um, the survey is about sheltering in place - it mentions being "holed up for two weeks at home". So you don't have to carry it.

Being self-contained for 2 weeks is one of my goals. I wouldn't want to rely on getting water from a spring or whatever that was outside of the house.
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