I agree Jiu Jitsu and variations is likely the ultimate single combat fighting style, but the problem with real world fighting is it's never single combat... You can crush and maim your first assailant until he's a shivering blob of broken bones, but it doesn't matter if his buddy drives an icepick through the back of your head.

Of course, my Kung Fu is weak and I bow at your wisdom. It's possible a good fighter can break bones just the same in a vertical position a-la The Protector.

Originally Posted By: samhain
Maybe they could program irritating personalities to the drones so one wouldn't be too broken hearted when it got trashed... I'd send C3-PO into a minefield in a second!

I've read the US military has this very sentiment in mind when planning future ground support drones.
Whenever you rest, someone, somewhere is training to kick your ass.
