Research that could have been done includes Mr. Tillery's book on surviving in the wilds of Florida:

Which includes the passage:

"The prairies, pinelands, and cypress on the flounder-flat terrain have a way of looking monotonously similar. Without constant and vigilant regard for cardinal directions, it’s ridiculously easy to get lost in here. A backcountry traveler might wander only a few hundred yards from a well-equipped campsite, get turned around, and not be able to find it again. Even though shelter and supplies of water and food are only a short distance away, the hapless traveler is effectively separated from them. In some instances, he may have to fend for himself for days with only the clothing and provisions he has on his person. “

Location specific survival and navigation tips are included.

Still. this is an example of a day hunt gone wrong and a hunter apparently not well-prepared to survive mentally or with gear.