This is my current lightweight stove kit setup.

Primus EtaPower 1 litre Pot with Fry Pan Lid - Weight 290 grams.

Optimus Folding Stove - Weight 90 grams

Home made Titanium Windscreen - Weight 60 grams

Brunton Lighter and Fuel Tool - Weight 84 grams

Propane/Butane Coleman 100gram Cartridge - Weight 150 grams
MSR Isobutane/Propane Stove Cartridge - Weight 354 grams

Total Weight with 100 gram Colemane Cartridge including stuff sacks etc - 745 grams - Certainly not the lightest but gives a good compromise in difficult conditions if needed. During Winter conditions I would use the MSR isobutane cartridge instead.

The optimus gives a good hot flame and when combined with the EtaPower pot with the built in heat exchanger can boil 0.5 Litres of cold water in less than 2 1/2 minutes in difficult conditions with excellent efficiency approaching the MSR Reactor stove but with the flexibility to use other pots and kettles when needed i.e. a Primus tea kettle.

I haven't had a chance to use the lightweight Titanium windshield in the field yet but it does look quite promising to help improve efficiency of the stove in very windy difficult conditions during winter.