Originally Posted By: MostlyHarmless
Originally Posted By: Pete

Forget about lawyers and "lawyer frenzy". That will make your mind weak. You need to focus on your plan and execute it. The lawyers can wait for tomorrow. You don't have that long.

If your fear of lawyer frenzy distracts you from what you are doing, then chances are that it isn't self defense anyway.

The choice of using violence to protect yourself should be a rational choice: You don't do it unless you really have to. If you HAVE TO do it, then do whatever it takes with full force and no hesitation. See the recent "shooting aftermath" thread on this forum, it is highly relevant - after all, you're using your body as an instrument to cause grievous bodily harm and possibly death to an attacker. (This will be one end of the spectrum, the other extreme possibly being doing stuff like throw your wallet in his face, kick him in the knee and run).

Originally Posted By: Pete

If you are BOLD and you choose to fight back (... snip)

If you are CAUTIOUS, that approach can also be successful. (snip)

As for your two methods, applying every possibly trick, skill and method to detect, avoid or weasel your way out of danger does not exclude the possibility of physically defending yourself. In fact, if you've explored all the other options you KNOW there is no other alternative - and that will fuel your determination. You'd better fight like a cornered animal, because there is no other way out.

As a positive side effect, you also have just proved to the law that this is in fact a justifiable self defense situation.

Oh, and do mentally prepare yourself to run away at first opportunity. Staying means you have to incapacitate your opponents (if not, they'll recover and take you out), and that is a) messy, b) locks very bad in court. Create a window of opportunity, then RUN.

Originally Posted By: Pete

Criminals are intelligent predators. They are not stupid, or "misunderstood persons". They team up because that increases their chances of success.

You're right that if you're confronted it will be by someone who thinks they can take you out. It doesn't matter how strong or fit you are - they are MUCH better at judging your capacity for violence than you'll ever be. In that sense, we're all in your "somewhat prepared" group. I know I am "somewhat prepared" - I'm not really cut for martial arts (though I love the training, you can't change genetics). That doesn't mean I'm willing to lie down and give up.

My mental preparation is that I focus on getting away, no matter what it takes. Someone robs me, I comply and walk away, alive and unhurt. Someone bullies me, I weasel and sweet-talk myself out of it and walk away. I don't like the look of that gang in the parking lot, I walk away. I'm cornered and can't get away, can't sweet-talk myself out of it, can't bribe them with my wallet - THEN I literally run over whoever blocks my exit. Getting away from danger can be a whole-hearted, 100% commitment, and you use whatever means necessary, including ruthless violence.

I don't think I can devote the same determination to just "defending myself...", the idea being that I beat the offender(s) to a pulp and remain last man standing, waiting for the police and lots of beautiful babes to arrive and applaud me, the hero. I don't believe in that scenario, and can't commit myself to it. But getting away - I can and will commit myself to that.

This has got to be the most insightful I've ever heard about self-defense. Having a Master Plan like that is not something any of my teachers ever emphasized, it was usually "take out your opponent, move on to the next, rinse and repeat until done".
Whenever you rest, someone, somewhere is training to kick your ass.
