Night-hiker: What I was trying to get across in my earlier comment is that there are alternatives to suit different personalities, and not just the "you must fight back" mode as the only option.

Let's make a quick analogy ... if you will permit me. Imagine a situation where you're driving down the road in your car and a ground squirrel decides to go out onto the road. A BOLD squirrel will survive - because it's fast and there's no hesitation. A CAUTIOUS squirrel will also survive because it comes to a halt at the edge of the asphalt and decide it's too dangerous to proceed. BUT the squirrels that get part-way across the road, then get consumed by fear & confusion - and then hesitate and reverse directions - are the ones who go SPLAT! People can be the same way.

Jeanette: Speaking as a guy - I can say that "dying" isn't a really great option for me either. Besides, I've heard that it's super-hard to pay the mortgage and drink a Corona once you heatbeat and respirations go well below one per minute(!).

But here's something I want you to know. I train women in basic self-defense before taking them overseas. Women CAN become excellent fighters - they just have different "triggers" than men. There is nothing wrong with your inner voice that tells you to stay alive - it's actually a big advantage. Women can be very good at self-defense precisely because they don't take excessive risks (whereas guys can exhibit dangerous risk taking behaviors). However, if that inner voice tells to to always fear conflict then you could be putting yourself in greater danger. Sometimes there is no choice and you just have to know how to respond. The great thing is that in America you have a tremendous number of choices available to you ... self-defense training, alarm systems, self-defense products, firearms, phones and communication devices, and probably a good police station in your town. Something in that mix ought to work for you.


Edited by Pete (11/24/09 06:41 PM)