It is stupid to get into a street fight ... for reasons of pride, ego, anger or aggression.

But it is not stupid to engage in self-protection.
And it may be vital to save your life.

If you are BOLD and you choose to fight back to protect yourself, then clearly you need to train purposefully to do this. It can't be done in half-measures - which was the point of my earlier post. You need to have a plan and the skills to back it up. Even so, you could still be seriously injured or killed. Conflict is always unpredictable.

If you are CAUTIOUS, that approach can also be successful. Your goal is to avoid a fight, avoid dangerous places, and avoid aggressive people. You need to have a plan too, and the right measures to keep bad people away ... good locks on your doors and gates, very good lighting around your home, a guard dog or a good alarm system. Friends who are close by. A reliable phone.

The trouble with any of these approaches is twofold:

1. Most people don't give quite enough attention to whatever system they adopt. People who train to fight back - are not usually ready for the real violence when it happens. People who decide to be cautious - are not able to keep their guard up and maintain a high level of alertness over the long term. Most of the population falls into the "maybe prepared" category somewhere in the middle - and is therefore is vulnerable. Criminals expect this.

2. Criminals are intelligent predators. They are not stupid, or "misunderstood persons". They team up because that increases their chances of success. You may plan to run away - but some of the gang members may block your escape. You may plan to have "situational alertness" but someone may distract you - while his buddy takes you from behind. You may plan to call 911 on your cell phone ... but someone may knock it from your hand.

Forget about lawyers and "lawyer frenzy". That will make your mind weak. You need to focus on your plan and execute it. The lawyers can wait for tomorrow. You don't have that long.


Edited by Pete (11/24/09 02:43 AM)