The post about those girls is what made me start this thread.

Those girls went into water right? I am curious to know how I'd react in that situation. I like to think of myself as comfortable in the water and I like to think I'd have the presence of mind to either roll down a window, smash it, or go to and air space and wait for pressure to equalize such that I can open a door, but who knows. I have done a bit of scuba diving which might prepare me a bit, but I don't feel any amount of familiarity with the water can assure me that I wouldn't panic.

A couple notes: I wouldn't plan on opening a blade to smash the window. I imagine just using the knuckled top part of the skeletool to do the smashing. This probably wouldn't work as well with a folder.

I'm going to see if I can find a car to try it on. If I do I'll wear a heavy leather glove and use my left (weak) hand from the drivers seat. In a real emergency I might cut my hand, but a ruined hand is something I'm willing to risk in the name of not dying. After all I'm going to sacrifice my left arm if I ever get attacked by a dog!