I consider myself pretty lucky that I've never been in a fight, mugged or harassed. That doesn't prevent me from trying to learn from those who have, including some basic MA training (with pretty mediocre results, to be fair).

The one source that has made the most profound impression on me is this one:
Written by Mark "animal" MacYoung, a former gang member and gang leader who not only has been through some pretty rough times, but can write about it from a pretty intelligent perspective. Including the "lawyer frenzy" part.

Some highlights of what made the most impression on me:

- Most of what you considered justifiable self defense in the heat of the moment isn't (partly because your sense of reality is severly distorted when adrealine starts flowing. One consequence of that distortion is that you willingly or unknowingly contributes to the escalation of conflict). Result: Lawyer frenzy.

- There just isn't any way around the fact that your most important layer of defense is avoiding trouble. Situation avareness and the ability to stuff your ego and sweet talk yourself out of the situation is much more likely to save your bacon than any ninja trick. And if you try those options and they don't work, the fact that you truly did your best to avoid the confrontation will help you ward off the lawyer frenzy.

- Marc MacYoungs last resort self defense mantra: It Ends NOW! When you reach that point where there is no choice but to physically defend yourself, the threat should be stopped NOW (with appropriate level of force response). If the threat isn't stopped immediately you're a) doing it wrong, b) it's not self defence but fighting => lawyer frenzy.

Edited by MostlyHarmless (11/22/09 10:53 PM)