Hands & Dishes- We get biodegradable soap from Costco for washing our hands, and doing dishes. I believe it's sold in 1G jugs, and we buy 2G each time we go. We have around 3-5g on hand and we go through maybe 1g every 5 months. Just the two of us, no dishwasher, all done by hand.
We also have 5 of those large "alcohol based" hand sanitizer containers from Wal-Mart/Costco. I am talking the large refill containers, not the pump models. We have probably 5 full pump throughout the house too + in our cars.
Body- We have a couple cases of dove unscented that we use already, we just stock it too. We could also use the Costco 1G biodegradable we use for hands/dishes for our body too if we wanted.
Clothes- We use the natural/unscented something another, and it lasts about 6 months. I recently just got enough powders to start making our own soap, I think I got enough to *are you ready* make 50 gallons of concentrated soap liquid. (I had to buy it in bulk.)
The main thing for washing is water supply.
2 years, no grid, how are you getting water?
For us we have a two wells (almost 1/4 mile apart) and two generators, and enough electrical connectors, extension cords, holding tanks, to get us through. Next spring/summer we will be adding a 2600g holding tank too, and if funds allow digging my pond and plumbing the second well up for gravity feed.
Toilet Paper is much harder to stock due to bulk, and not wanting to leave it in the basement (moisture potential). We have enough on hand for probably 6 months. Once the basement is dry/sealed up we`ll stock much more I`m thinking.
Tooth paste is another easy thing to store and cheap.
We don't store bleach but we do keep 5 gallons of vinegar on hand too. Great for washing and tons of misc things.
2 years of razors = cheap!! Come awn, disposable dual blade razors. I get atleast 1 or 2 packs a year from relatives or my mother in my "stocking" gift.. I haven't shaved in 2 years, I only trim my beard so really razors are for the wife

But in a survival situation they could be spread out much longer I`m sure.
Cooking oil is very important to stock for long term and commonly missed. Even pressurized canola oil expires within 2 years, so it may be wise to stock some lard or something for longer-term storage if that's what you are into. We use the aerosol stuff, and rotate through it every few months so storing it is no big deal.