No, but I have a specific medical reason.
My history of egg allergy causes my Dr. to think the risk of injecting egg proteins is higher than of getting the flu, this despite my being a diabetic.
Which is entirely sensable!! Listen to your MD, particularly if you go regularly (Most diabetics see their MD multiple times/year - sometimes as often as weekly if things aren't in control)
My daughter had a case of H1N1 (confirmed) - she was in one of the NYC schools that closed because of it. Was not too bad in her case, a few days sick, and away we go. A teacher at another local school died.
I basically live in what was the heart of the NY outbreak. The worst hit school (St Francis Prep) is about 1/2, maybe 2/3rds of a mile from here, and my daughter's school (which at one point had something like 200 kids down with 'flu/flu like symptoms" (they stopped testing after a while) is all of 1/4 mile
It actually, on the average, seems to be slightly milder than the normal flu, but if you get it bad, you get it bad