My workplace allows for some innovation on my part. My office space isnt mine. We have a group of desks where it is a first come, first served deal-you get whatever desks are available, so keeping anything in drawers doesnt work. So, I simply take a small daypack with my laptop with me. I have my lunch for the day (usually food I dont have to heat up-granola bars, tuna fish, crackers, dried fruit), a water bottle, a ziploc with bandaids & alcohol pads, a flashlight, one of those little packets of Kleenex, pens, pencils, notebook, so Triptease line, Advil and Tums. Thats in addition to my pocketknife, leatherman, bandana, wallet, 2 lighters, a flashlight, my P38, my Blackberry and some paracord I carry on me. Its enough to get me to my jeep, or out of the area, if needed.
my adventures