General impressions:

I'm having problems reconciling the statement:

You'll find that thanks to some hard work by a few friends in this endeavor, we've been some distance ahead of mainstream media MSM and hope to continue this into the future.


What's ahead for the balance of 2007 may hold an economic meltdown in September and a huge "stress building period" from September 19th through mid December. Should be an interesting time. Then a global coastal event and global disease in 2008.

Sounds like they have been lapped but think they are in the lead.

The article from Ukraine reads pretty much like a standard report of outbreak. Doesn't seem to cite any fatality, demographics or numbers needing ICU or respirators.

The bit on bank closings is interesting but lacks necessary comparisons to the normal rate of bank closings. Yes, hundreds close or are reorganized every year. Even in good times.

The combination of articles all seem to point toward an alarmist bent without putting things into context of what is, or is not normal or exceptional and why. The guy seems to make some warm to luke-warm economic and market guidance but nothing out of line with many other sources. Even a careful and selective reading of such ossified sources as the WSJ would get you similar, almost identical in some cases, reports. It isn't like he is wrong so much as unremarkable.

He seems to play up the role of outsider and informed rebel reporting on the dark clouds closing in a bit much. Unremarkable ,middling to fair, reporting with a dash of apocalyptic alarm for flavor. Offered up a long list materials for sale. Everyone needs to make a living and most feel they need a gimmick.

For a slightly different flavor. One of my favorite economist/ business commentators: