
A 10 year old boy born in October is normally in his first year of Webelos. Scouting at the Cub Scout and Webelos levels involves only light camping, outdoor training, and experience. It typically does not provide survival training for the conditions this boy experienced. Unless the boy is in an exceptional unit or his parents have on their own trained him for such a survival experience, he will not have it.

In the case of my own 10 year old son, I have given him such training. OTOH, I seriously question how well it has taken. To some extent, he is a little less mature than I would like him to be for his age. Nonetheless, he has repeatedly surprised me with how much he has learned when he has suddenly been called upon to prove himself. But still he is only 10 years old. So he is physically unable to do many things he will be able to do as he grows.

Overall, I have strong doubts about the survival capabilities of a 10 year oldunder these circumsatnces.
