One of the things that got me into the survival thing as a kid was a childrens book by Usbourne. It was part of a series of essential skill books that included things like football (soccer)!!

This book covered survival skills in various wilderness climates as well as home safety (what to do in the event of fire etc.) and urban survival (self defence techniques, what not to do advice e.g. don't walk down a dark alley on your own at night and what to do advice e.g. tell someone where you're going, if in doubt stay at your friends house and get the bus in the morning). It also gave advice on what to include in survival kits (the infamous PSK) as well as larger car kits and hiking kits and FAKs.

I can't remember the exact title (I'll look it up when I get home) nor do I know if its still available. It had colourful illustrations in the way that all Usbourne books have and I thought it was great!

It might get your kids thinking about things and preparing from their own initiative.