The first step is always the hardest, you've taken it...Great Job!
Having a light is less likely to be questioned in most schools considering the events of the last several weeks. Nobody wants to be left in the dark. The whistles are also identified on other US gov. websites as suggested items so there is a strong justification already existing, the schools should not have much issue with these items. Presuming of course that nobody "cries wolf" or other unwarranted use occurs.
Re: Not PhotonII and Fox 40, let them start wearing their "school kits" for school...if lost/loaned/confiscated etc. they can let you know, they'll have learned a lesson. In the meantime, make a second "wear at home, traveling kit" with the better gear. This might tend to show them that you REALLY care, especially if the items are the same as Mom & Dad wear.
Please consider (if you haven't already) only using lanyards with "breakaways" on them. Hate to have the class clown/bully or innocent friend pull on the lanyard and choke the wearer.
Another point to try to make the wearer aware of is that even though they are not feeling choking, it is possible to have the blood cut off from their head by anything wrapped or pulled tightly around their neck, IRRC it takes about 5-7 seconds to occur. Don't let them sleep wearing their gear. Having a couple of kids myself, I know the fine line a parent has to walk to encourage safety and situational awareness in kids.