The expensive thing? Nope, it's the frugal thing to do.

When I find something promising on sale, I may buy one to test it. If time presses, I'll buy three. Or five, provided I can return the unopened ones. Guess I have a good eye, because most are keepers.

(We have a generous cash fund that's dedicated to grabbing deals when they come along. Unlike the poor suckers who buy the latest TV-buzz-whatsit on credit-card credit. Oy.)

If I can't use them all, they go into the Gift Box, providing high quality gifts to people who will appreciate them. (We cultivate contact with these kinds of people, so it all works out.)

I take care of my gear. It lasts. And by the time I need a replacement, I can guarantee the original will be out of production. So if it really fits, or really works, I buy spares. Boots, knives, multitools. And boots are the toughest to find worthy replacements for.

Call it my hedge against inflation, or planned obsolescence, or the flavour of the month.