I have been able to to a bit more testing with the new TANK007, to have get an estimate of the output the TK-566. The output is on a par with a Fenix P3D Premium RB100 in Turbo mode but with a slightly better colour tint at about 200 Lumen (the Lumiled's Rebel LED has a slight greenish tinge.) This is exceptional performance considering that the Fenix P3D RB100 is being powered by 3.7 Volt RCR123As and the TK-566 is using 1.3V NiMh Eneloops. The higest output of the TK-566 is getting somewhere near the Turbo mode output of a Fenix T1 but with a slightly smaller and less intense hot spot. The Fenix T1 was rated at 225 Lumen.

Here is the current I measured for so for a 2000 mAhr capacity NiMh this would give roughly the following run times

0.18 A on low = approx 10 Hrs
0.55 A on medium =approx 3.5 hrs
1.58 A on High =approx 1hr 15 minutes

Slightly worse run time performance compared to the Fenix L2D CE with the L2D having a extra low output giving 22 hrs of use.

I also recieved one of these today to drop into an Ultrafire WF-502B.

The pill from this MC-E fits perfectly into the body from the MX Power 3W flashlight sku.14905. Just remove the reflector and the outer spring from this P60 modules and remove the pill from the MX Power 3W flashlight, then screw in the MC-E pill into the MX Power 3W body and you have a 16340 based MC-E flashlight.

How about 20 minutes of 400+ lumen from a CR123A sized EDC flashlight for less than $37 in total. grin