While we are on Lidl worship (they don't call me 'lidl nicky' for nothing; you are what you eat)
They sell tubes of condensed milk like UK army rations used to have. Nothing like a taste or smell to bring you back; one drop and you'll be waiting for the sergeants shouting.
Their tortillas are the only good non famous brands (even marks and sparks and sainsburys are disgusting).
Their 17p a packet instant noodles are better than the 50p a time ones elsewhere.
Their w5 cleaning range are 'Which?' magazine award winners.
Plus there's all the great german beers and sausages. You want long life fatty food; their mini sausages don't need refrigerating and can be cooked without ever touching them. A point I like in pack food; you can't always wash your hands.
I could go on.... (sadly I usually do) Everything is good value and when stuff is on offer you seriously wonder why they bother charging!
The lidl Sock
The world is in haste and nears its end – Wulfstan II Archbishop of York 1014.