I'm sure my EMS brethren will correct me but unless you're being treated by a military health care provider, no c one is gonna believe that your blood type is XYZ without typing it anyway so I wouldn't bother putting that info on any sort of medic alert tag.

I would agree, to the best of my knowledge there is no jurisdiction in the US, where EMS personnel are giving whole blood in the field, so blood type information is pretty useless. If a transfusion is necessary at the hospital, they are certainly going type and cross match the patient before starting a transfusion.

Lorazepam/Ativan is being used to treat seizures by EMS personnel. If you're taking it regularly already, I'd get a tag that stated this. Might theoretically stop an overdose in a worst case scenario.

Yes and no. While it might be nice to know the patient is taking Lorazepam, if the patient is actively it might suggest the current dose is not having its desired/intended effect. The EMS administration of Lorazepam/Ativan should be administered to effect, so the risk of an overdose is minimized.
