Am Fear Liath Mor:

You have many valid points. However, here in the U.S., no matter how good a teacher may be, he/she is not ALLOWED to teach by any method other than what their school board dictates. The attitude that children and sheep are pretty much the same is dominant here.

Disruptive children are NOT removed from classes for any appreciable time, they are allowed to continue and interfere with the child who wants to learn.

Many studies have been done on the best methods to teach reading. Phonetics (usually phonics here) came out as best in every single study, with no exceptions. The American Public School system decried the studies as faulty (ALL of them!) and continued to teach word recognition. And they were allowed to do so. Which fact alone tells me that there are other issues that matter more, and education itself is not really a consideration.

The only (very rare) exceptions are usually in smaller towns when the parents band together and DEMAND that phonics be taught as the only way.

"... lack of very specific hardcore expertise in specific subjects esp Maths, physics and chemistry etc."

I cannot find a list of classes offered in my county, but I am quite certain that the number of math and science classes offered isn't exactly extensive, if they offer them at all. Our school system is ineffective at even teaching the basics.

Discipline doesn't exist here, in virtually any place or any form, not just the schools.

"Most teachers know how to teach, just let them get on with it ... without all the administrative and political nonsense they have to deal with."

I can tell you for an absolute fact that THAT isn't going to happen without a major revolution of irate parents, and THAT isn't going to happen, either.

The U.S. has the most expensive educational system, and the poorest. I guess throwing money at a problem really doesn't fix it.
