
I am curious. Were you ever diagnosed by a neuro-psychologist, a doctor who actually diagnoses learning disorders?

I am asking, because you say you know four other people who have it. True dyslexia is extremely rare.

When my grand-niece was diagnosed with dyslexia, I did a little research. What I found was that it was the schools that were diagnosing dyslexia. I also discovered that for every child they say has a learning disability, it seems they get more federal money. Quite an incentive, isn't it?

Anyway, I also read that someone asked a neuro-psychologist just HOW they diagnosed dyslexia. The answer was a bit of a shock at the time. He said they recommend to the parents that they enroll their child in a straight-phonics reading program outside the school for six months. At the end of that time, they test the kid again. If there has been noticeable improvement, they don't have dyslexia, they are simply the victims of the reading system their school uses. If there has been no improvement, they continue searching and testing.
