Jim, one of the main arguments that people come up with (as a reason not to homeschool, because they don't want to admit they're lazy or scared of a new idea) is that they say public school is for 'socializing' their children. Rather than socializing, I hear more about bullying, peer pressure to get involved with drugs and crime, etc. I am amazed that some parents seem to be so lazy that they want to leave SOCIALIZATION to the schools, too!

How do you feel about this, since you're actually doing it?

You say your wife was a school teacher... are you familiar with retired teacher/counselor Linda Schrock Taylor, who taught school and then went home and homeschooled her son? Now THAT is one in the eye for the public schools! (Linda Schrock Taylor archives: http://www.lewrockwell.com/taylor/taylor-arch.html)

My congratulations and support for making the time and effort to homeschool.
