While not generally a survival necessity, decent binoculars can be useful at times and just plain fun to have in the bush, especially for wildlife observation. Good binoculars had been on my wish list for a long time. However, it took me quite a few years to actually stick my neck out and buy something better than what I had already (cheapo 10x20 pocket binoculars and somewhat better but still average at best Japanese Zeiss 8x40 knock-off).

Back in July I finally decided to get ex-East German military DF 7x40 binoculars, in used but very good condition and professionally refurbished with new front lenses and rubber armor by the German company Heger Optik, which seems to be "the" source for DF 7x40's these days: http://www.hegeroptik.de/shop/catalog/

(I'm too lazy to take pictures and upload them at the moment so I'm linking to one that's already online at Binofan's website.)

The DF 7x40 were originally made by Carl Zeiss, Jena. Most were manufactured in the 1970's with production ending some time around 1981. After the end of the East German regime these glasses were apparently used by the unified German armed forces until some years ago when they were finally phased out of service because they lack proper eye protection (laser filter).

Among those in the know, the DF 7x40 have something of a cult status, being arguably the best military binoculars ever produced in any quantity. This is reflected in the price. Used military issue DF's tend to be pretty expensive, starting from about $300 to well over $500 for a pair in good condition. At a price of 250 Euros + shipping the chance of getting cleaned and refurbished binocs at Heger Optik seemed almost too good to miss.

True enough, the postage (with compulsory insurance) was expensive but the package arrived quickly and safely thanks to some first-rate service by Heger Optik. While I'm far from an expert I nonetheless have a bit of experience with scopes and field glasses, and not just the very bottom-end cheap stuff either. So I was naturally very curious to see how the DF 7x40 would perform in real life.

My first impression was favorable. Right out of the box the binoculars looked very well made, showing almost no signs of former military service - really nothing worse than a few scratches on the plastic lens cover. I could tell right away optical performance was superb. However, I was somewhat intimidated by the size and weight of the binoculars. At well over 2lbs they're pretty heavy and certainly a lot more massive than any pocket binoculars.

Over the next weeks and months I began taking my new binoculars on treks, field trips and even longer travels. After a fair bit of relatively casual use I'm not only happy with my purchase but deeply impressed by the performance of these 30-or-so years old glasses. Looking through the DF 7x40's must be one of the most pleasing optical experiences I've ever seen. First, it's the clarity. There is about no perceptible distortion, which is all the more remarkable given the other specs. Mainly the very wide field of view, perfect for field observation whereas most other, especialy smaller binoculars are less useful because of the tunnel vision sort of.

As most other military binoculars out there the DF's are individual focus. You have to focus each lens individually, which is not quite as convenient as center focussing in theory. But in the case of the DF 7x40 depth perception is actually so good you barely need to adjust the focus at all, especially at longer ranges.

Another major advantage IMHO is the rangefinder reticle (in mils). I suppose it's a matter of taste but I've always had a preference for binoculars with a mil reticle and it's one of those things you can hardly ever find in civilian glasses. With a little basic math the reticle can be used to estimate distance to target or size of objects quite accurately.

Build quality is top notch. The binoculars are fully rubber armored and waterproof. The aluminum housing seems to be bomb-proof though obviously as with any other precision instrument it's better to handle any binoculars with care. Inside the ocular lens cover there are two small yellow filter lenses that are used as anti-glare protection. Very useful in strong sunlight, especially in an enviroment with lots of reflected light (sea, desert, snow).

Given the size and weight the DF 7x40 are definitely not the lightest binoculars around. For some people they may be too heavy to take on a hiking trip. However, at the expense of extra weight you get the benefit of heavy-duty construction and reasonably large lenses. Eye relief is long so using eye glasses is not a problem (though for me personally that's a non-issue). These binoculars are really comfortable to use despite the weight, even for an extended time. There seem to be no problems with eye strain associated with most optics.

Eastern Bloc optics were often regarded as excellent or at least very high performance for the money. The East German DF 7x40 may well have been the best of them all, with superior tolerances and high production standards not commonly found in comparable Soviet/Russian models. I have been able to try my DF's alongside Russian BPOs 7x30 (superb binoculars in their own right) and West German Hensoldt 8x30 (also known as great military binoculars). In terms of construction or optical quality, neither comes even close to the East German DF 7x40. IME you'd need to look very hard in the $1000+ range to find optically comparable binoculars but I don't think you could find that combination of optics and rugged construction in any price range.

Some more specs: