Originally Posted By: KG2V_was_kc2ixe
RE Knowing where my towel is - of course, on the back of my chair

I was SO happy at work when I got a static IP that ended in .42

You know the "Can I ask you a question?" - instead of saying yes, I always look at co-workers and say "42" - most think I'm strange, some thing I'm funny

Most of the guys I work with don't get it. Wanna really see some funny looks ask "Do you sass that hoopy so-and-so? That frood really knows where his towel is!" That makes their eyebrows go up. laugh

I wonder if anyone has made a edc towel kit? Not being a purist I could see me doing that.
Do you know where your towel is?
Don't Panic!
I have an extra.