Wow. Had a good run today. I had to do some roof repairs. So i climb up, pull another latter up, climb over a peak (using the second latter on both sides) and get to my porch roof. So I was where i needed to be and would take 5-10 minutes to get down. Found I needed a few things, like the garden hose (for gutters), more nails, and a putty knife. (I had a hammer, some nails, roof tar, patch, edc kit) so i pull out my cell and got help from inside. used 50lb test to pull a rope up, then the rope to pull supplies up.

From my kit I used fishing line, idoine wipe, triple a antibotic, ora-gell, q-tip, cloth bandaid, advil, sport tape, duct tape needle, thread.

did not use: back-up light, 2x3 pad, gauze saftey pins, razor blade.

cleaned and bandaged a banged knuckle, took some advil, used some of the fishing line as a tool tether, used the q-tip+oragell on a wisdom tooth that got cold, covered bandaid with sport tape (i was using tar, which always gets on my hands) and duct tape to hold my jeans closed (old holey pair that had a ventilation hole in the crotch helpfully opened further by my antics with the ladder)

This morning i patched a little hole in my coat with needle and thread from my kit.
Do you know where your towel is?
Don't Panic!
I have an extra.