Yesterday, we took the girls to Shark's Cove to play in the tide pools. Breaking waves made this little waterfall.
My oldest with one of many sea cucumbers she and her buddies found.
There was a whole lot of swimming, exploring and playing going on.
The kids caught a bunch of critters. From the not so challenging sea cucumbers and sea snails, to various crabs to a bunch of different fish including a baby puffer fish. All creatures were released back into the sea including this hermit crab.
We saw lots of fish that rapidly swim away as you try to approach.
Including this baby barracuda, which couldn't have been more than a foot or so long. I haven't had barracuda steaks in years, but they are good eating. The last one we caught was about 3 - 3 1/2 feet long and we ended up giving it away as we were searching for our prize of lobster and kumu.
I tried bruddah Vec's fish calling to no avail. Maybe I was dangling and jiggling the wrong "bait."
Funny though, when the fish swim away as you walk near them, they will come close to you if you swim slowly and quietly.
This guy was arms length from me.
But I did manage to catch a little mermaid.
Sorry about the large amount of pictures.
The end...for now.