Every time I go in for a doctor's visit he double-checks and asks me if I'm taking low-dosage aspirin daily. _Every_ appointment, no matter why. I just class it as one of his things, such as his hated of iPods & the like, that he probably has good reason for, and I obey.
I have several individually-wrapped tablets in the EDC bag, 325 mg I think.
Maybe you
should ask why he recommends it. I read recently that there's no great evidence on taking aspirin if you have NOT had a heart attack before. Sorry that this is a somewhat older reference, but it's the best I could find in 2 minutes:
http://www.acpinternist.org/archives/2002/03/aspirin.htmIf your doc is telling you to take aspirin, maybe you should also be asking if there are other risk factors you could be working on. Unless, of course, you're already taking meds for things in the first place, and just didn't mention it in the original post. In which case, I say the above is interesting reading anyway!