Originally Posted By: Tirec
My church is beginning the process of setting up a volunteer security team for Sunday morning services and I'm wondering if others have been through this process?

The church runs around 600-700 on a given Sunday morning.

We have a sheriff's deputy who attends, as well as several former military with security backgrounds and some with private security training. One of the issues mentioned was to know who else has a CCW permit so that during an incident, the "good guys" know who each other are.

Among the issues being discussed:
liability (individual and for the church) Good Start, but add civil/criminal law.
appropriate use of force and when needed
using those with CCW Not in Texas right? No CHL in Church in Texas
issuing tasers
identifying those on the security team (special clothing, etc.)
should those who are armed also wear identifying clothing, or would that make them a target. Keep it all Quiet, or you are making someone a target.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions would be appreciated.



Man this is going to be a tough nut to crack. There was recently a story in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram about this very subject. It was part of the 10 year anniversary piece on the Wedgewood Baptist Church shooting.

Many more churches are beginning to do this with or without the congregation's knowledge / approval.

I do know the off duty LEO that was in the church when the shooting went down has had a lot of regret for not carrying his firearm that day. That was another of the FTWST stories.
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.