Originally Posted By: Stoney
I'd like to pose another, related, question. Is a survival kit meant to be used in it's entirety? I suggest not, and the posts here seem to support that theory. If you pack three different fire starting devices are you really planning on using all three or just the one that works in the environment your in at the time?

The reason for multiples for me are several:

A) Incase your first option doesn't work for some reason and thus you have backup
B) Different items for different purposes. For flashlights, I carry one that is VERY bright, and one that lasts long. In fire starting a strike light may be better at starting a fire than say a lighter.
C) Multiple people. With two flashlights I can hand one light to someone and still have my primary light
D) Multiple use, Keeping extra means that I can light multiple fires (remember that 3 of anything is a sign of distress.) multiple flashlights means that when I run out of batteries for one,, well I have another flashlight
E) I loose things. And if I have multiple of anything I truly need, well then I am a bit better off, and hopefully I will not loose it due to Murphy’s law :P

Like someone said on this site (forgive me for forgetting who it is) Two is one, and One is none