I agree with several of the comments here. Physical endurance is necessary when humping it with everything you need on your back. Also, there is nothing at all wrong with being able to defend yourself, whether it be the martial art of your choice (there are very few bad forms out there), or knowing how to properly use a firearm-or both. I have been a gun toater by trade for over 11 years. My wife was raised that guns were evil, dangerous, etc. and had no experience with them. I took her, trained her in safety and marksmanship. Now, she is completely autonomous, is one heck of a good shot, and has her own CCL license.

Anyone can learn martial arts or firearms acuity. What the person does with it has a lot to do with their character like any other aspect of life. There are those that are responsible, there are those that are reckless. The reckless one's usually end up wearing handcuffs when it comes to the two above mentioned issues.
The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.