Should everyone go through hand-to-hand and/or weapons based self defense training? I'm reluctant to say yes. Some people just don't have the physical or mental well being necessary for that. Nor are many willing to provide the level of dedication that it requires.

It's sort of like buying a firearm. Some people just can't handle it, for one reason or another, and therefore shouldn't be forced into it.

However, should everyone at least attempt to be in reasonably good physical condition? That, I will most definitely say yes to. I'm not saying everyone should be a perfect specimen of muscle and stamina, but I know people who can barely make it up and down their stairs.

Basically, unless you're in your 80's or have some major medical issues, walking up and down a flight of stairs without getting winded should not be a problem. At the very least, getting into some shape, other than round, will help to improve your quality of life. At most, it might end up saving your life one day.

When it comes down to it, survival is mostly about luck and attitude. By doing certain things you can improve your chances against specific threats, but you can't prepare for everything. Personally, I'd rather see someone concentrate on issues that are most likely to effect them, than to spend money and time training in self defense when that effort might be better applied somewhere else. I mean, sure, knowing how to take down an opponent is all well and good, but the likeliness of needing that skill is low compared to a lot of other more likely situations. Some people would be better served putting that couple extra dollars a month into their car, house, BOB, ect so they're prepared for the next tornado/winter storm/IRS Audit/whatever.