I urge anyone to spend some time browsing through the no nonsense web page. A very condensed version would be what the above posters said above: Situation awareness and avoidance.

Some other tips to be learned: Muggers don't pick their location and targets at random, try to spot them BEFORE you are cornered. Recognize a threat display for what it is (see how dangerous I am? Back of NOW or else...!), then de-fuse (leave) instead of participating. The "show no fear" (don't let them see I'm afraid) attitude will probably get you in a lot of trouble, stuff it somewhere safe along with your ego and back off. If you are afraid of a person, you probably have good reasons - gut reactions don't lie (although anxiety can cloud judgment and perception).

I am all for training, learning flashy moves and techniques and so forth, (including firearms if you consider that appropriate), but I urge everyone to learn the limitations and under what circumstances such response can be warranted. What makes me mad is thinking about all kinds of self defense and material arts courses and training that a) does not address situation awareness, b) does not teach you the limitation of the techniques (when to apply, when NOT to apply). I think most of what is learned in such classes will be ineffective against a determined aggressor (he's been doing this kind of stuff on a regular basis since 12, and you what - took some evening classes??? Get real!). And if your attacker is not in that category, almost any use of force is excessive which can and will cause all kind of legal problems.

An old joke: Using your self defense/martial arts training will only give you trouble in these two limited set of circumstances:
1) When it doesn't work.
2) When it works.