Originally Posted By: comms

I was hiking the other day and tested a rumor I had heard about. The rumor: b/c texts use less 'whatever' to get through phone systems you could send a text when you have no service and when the phone picks up enough signal power, the text will be sent.

At least for me, on AT&T, this did not work.

Lots of variables here, including how your phone handles the situation where it can't send text right away for some reason. And there is some arbitrariness here... Sometimes it will work as you described, sometimes the reverse.

In my experience, in a situation with marginally cell coverage the text will go through when the connection is too bad for any conversations to take place.

I've only experienced overcrowded network a couple of times, so I wouldn't know too much about how that works. I would suppose that text would have a higher probability of coming through. But you must realize you may have to wait a few hours before that happens... I've had several "happy new year, we've just opened the champagne" messages arriving sometime the next day.