First, don't ever let a woman tell you that dogs and babys/kids are similar in any way. That's a huge marginalization. (Stepping off soap box before dragged down and beaten by mob of angry dog owning mothers.)

I was hiking the other day and tested a rumor I had heard about. The rumor: b/c texts use less 'whatever' to get through phone systems you could send a text when you have no service and when the phone picks up enough signal power, the text will be sent.

At least for me, on AT&T, this did not work. I sent a text with no signal, knowing I was only a few minutes away from walking back into coverage. I got a call before I realized I had walked back into zone. After the call I checked my text and it was still unsent.

I don't know if this was my phone or my service or a larger issue.
Don't just survive. Thrive.