bank poles are a great way to spread more luck around. saplings are great for it. the idea is to acquire a pole. an overhanging limb, sapling, cut sapling, tree, whatever and tie a line to it. hook and bait in the water a little bit, wait. the springy sapling sets the hook. i have used a sapling tied to the trunk of a convenient tree. if you have enough line and hooks, you can fish several places at once. the downside if that you can lose a lot of bait and use up your supply of hooks. Snapping turtles love to get mine.
trot-lines work a lot he same. find a hole that you can stretch a line across. tie to a solid object. every 4 feet tie a hook with 2 feet of line (so it doesn't tangle). walk around around tieing hooks on and baiting until you reach the other side. tie off your other end.
Legal: In MO you have to put your name, phone number, address on each, and its regulated how many you can have.
Do you know where your towel is?
Don't Panic!
I have an extra.