Everyone knows about first-aid, then there is self-aid...
I worked on my self-aid skills, uh umm, unintentionally....
I found DD walking one of our German Shepherd Dogs. Seems a neighbor's dog got away from the leash and decided to come charging at DD. Our GSD took offense,( she saw the other dog as a threat to DD ) and was in the beginning process of dismantling the offending dog. I drove around the corner about 1.5 seconds before the dance began, and dove in to stop the festivities.
This is the second time in 12 years I have had to do it. I really hope there isn't a third.
Treating bite wounds from accidentally coming between the bite-er and the bite-ee is a little more difficult than I expected. DD was a trouper, until she saw the blood. The she was a hinderance.
Luckily I know both dogs, so no issues there.
Coban tape and 4x4's are your friend when working on yourself.
I do the things that I must, and really regret, are unfortunately necessary.