I have the LMF II. I have softer knives, I have sharper knives, I have lighter Knives. If I am going for a walk in the bush, I would take another knife. If I am going to "Live" in the bush for a few days hunting. I want the LMF II with me.
If I am in a Bug Out situation I want the LMF II with me.
This isn't mentioned much but in a self defense situation (where I cannot legaly conceal carry) I would turn to that knive as well, the extra weight makes it a Nasty weapon!

Oh and this would probably never be an issue for 99.9% of the population, but those 3 little holes in the handle that you can make a spear with; really work! I was skeptical so I tried it with some para cord and my favorite walking stick. Neighborhood dogs beware! lol