I was looking forward to this second episode about escaping an office fire, but came away kind of unsatisfied. Anyone else feel that way?

This episode seemed to have a number of things that just seemed...not so practical. For one thing, this approach they take in the show where Cade is orchestrating his own little "squad" of fellow workers. I can understand the utility of giving people tasks to do in a crisis, but I have never heard of any real life examples of something like this happening in any fast paced, real fire or situation requiring escape, like an active shooter situation.

What was the deal with having to check why the sprinklers weren't working? To my knowledge, no sprinkler will be on if there is no fire or heat below it to break that capsule that they were trying to jimmy. If a space is cool enough to enter, I wouldn't expect any sprinklers to be on there.

Breaking through the drywall was one technique that I had never really thought of before when escaping a fire or even an active shooter and probably the one new, interesting technique I took away from that episode.

I'm was surprised that there wasn't any mention of any sheltering-in-place techniques. Granted, I suppose the point of the episode was escape, but many high rise office building and hotel fire plans only evacuate select floors immediately impacted by a fire. The occupants on the other floors are to stay where they are, presumably safe long enough for the fire department to get there and knock down the fire. 9/11 may have changed the plans in some buildings, but most tall office buildings can't get around the fact that they were not designed with fire stairs with enough capacity to evacuate all the occupants to the ground in a reasonable amount of time. You can't even open the stairwell doors and have people trying to pass by without a big traffic jam.

And how many of us would be willing to rappel out of a 10th or 11th floor window using ethernet and printer cables? To me, that was definitely one of those Poseidon Adventure moments.

One fact of life which I was hoping the show would address is the problem of locked doors. People have died in smoke-filled stairwells because once they entered the stairwell, the doors automatically locked behind them and they were unable to get back out of the stairwell. Or many office doors or suites are locked, so if you exit the stairwell on a different floor and you're not an employee of that particular business, you could get stuck.

I wish they'd do something to make Cade a bit more likable. He's just really stiff and I don't feel any particular affinity to him. In contrast, Terry Schappert on the History Channel show Warriors can be a bit sappy at times and he mentions his own Special Forces background way too often, but I like the guy. I feel some loyalty to him and that's part of what makes me want to watch that particular show (and it's a well done and informative show IMHO).