Life is short! I say if you want to purchase one, just get one! Even if the knife is going to spend 2 days on your belt during a fishing trip, and 363 days in the closet, it doesn't matter.

If you feel like getting one and enjoying yourself, just do it...

I have several Moras, one Spyderco folder, one SOG folder, so my collection is rather limited, but I just shelled out $100 for a Fallkniven F1 fixed-blade knife because, well, I wanted a Fallknifen F1. I didn't really NEED such a knife, I have all the knives I need for my cutting needs.

It will probably come with me on fishing trips only (8-10 days per summer), but hey, i've been lusting at the F1 ever since i've seen it talked about on forums and in miscellaneous survival videos.

My 2 cents wink

P.S. : for the record, the Fallkniven F1 is similar to the Gerber LMF II you are talking about.
"The only easy day was yesterday."