I read your blog entry, nice job Todd.

Yup, grinding grain is a lot of work. That is why it was one of the first things to get mechanized.
You might rig up a solid mount and possibly even a type of bicycle drive. Bigger cranks, flywheels and even pedals so you can use your legs instead of your arms make it easier, but it will still be work even with some type of bicycle arrangement. Of course the more machinery you attach to it the more permanent, bulky, ugly and awkward to move around it, it becomes.

It will grind quite a bit faster than your results though. As you say it might be because you didn't have it bolted down securely.

I had some friends that were using a similar grinder and they bolted it to a good solid board and clamped the board onto their kitchen table with two great big C-clamps when they wanted to grind flour.

About cooking bread, it does not have to be baked. A lot of breads can be fried, steamed or grilled.
Boiled breads are not to my taste unless they are fried afterwards like bagels are. I just find boiled bread too slimy on the outside.
Fried bread can be very nice. You make it about a half inch thick and fry it like a pancake but a bit slower.
I then to put a lid over it when I fry it.
If you have a covered barbecue you can use it as an oven.
Steamed bread is usually bun size. Chinese buns like they have in Chinese bakeries are usually steamed buns.

Edited by scafool (09/05/09 01:33 AM)
Edit Reason: more to say
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