I've put mine back on the back of the center console of my Escort. (FW Drive, no transmission hump.) I added a velcro strap to ensure it couldn't go airborne. Anyone able to use the Lifehammer should be able to figure out a velcro strap, even under stress.

I used some velcro material meant for cable wraps, etc. It comes in a roll, hooks on one side and loops on the other. You cut off the length you need. You can usually find it in electronics stores, and I believe you can find a similar product in garden stores for staking plants, etc.

The holder mounts with foam mounting tape, and I was replacing the original mounting tape anyway, so I just left a small gap to put the strap in. I didn't want to risk compromising the mounting with the strap under the foam.

It may be overkill, because the holder has a pretty good grip on the hammer anyway, but too much is better than not enough.
Okey-dokey. What's plan B?