Personally I think that people don't recognize the difference between "community Emergencies" and "Personal Emergencies." When you have a medical or rescue need, well that is when the Fire/EMS/Police come rushing to your aid. The problem is that most people don't seem to realize that when a true disaster occurs that those that would come to there rescue are now busy rescuing themselves and there families.

The general public have been told, everything will be handy for you no matter where you go. Just look at the number of people that turn to those of us on this list when there is a need for a knife to cut open something, or a multi tool when needed. Does the general public carry knives (for non violent purposes) and multi tools. I look at peoples pockets (looking for the tell tail clip for knives) and waists (admittedly more at girls waists,, but I digress) and rarely do I see multitools and simple easy to carry devices that show a sign of self reliance.

As I read the original posting I interpreted the statement of, considering the general public as a resource for rescue, as things like CERT (Community Emergency Response Team.) Part of our job as CERT members is to not only help when distaste strikes, but to also spread the word of preparedness.

The truth is that we here spreading the word and slowly helping those around us realize that they need to be prepaid, and volunteering (if that is your thing) on things like CERT and the such that is the best we can do.

Cause standing on a soap box and screaming "get prepared" gets you put in a fun room with happy medication.. Or that is at least how people perceive you. Thos I must admit this site and those on this site have come a long way in helping the general population realize that being prepared and self reliant is no longer just for those "survivalist nuts" but rather the actions of very sane, very rational people who realize that there are times when the best person to rely on for help is yourself and your preparations. Now please,, no comments on anyone’s sanity, smile
