...like comms does it. But when he's at school, his backpack is across the room, and at after-care it's in the building but not WITH him, so maybe have him carry the whistle and flashlight in his pocket. Just want him using the whistle to get someone's attention in the case of a stranger approaching him, along with screaming "fire".
As I said before, 90% of the time he's chaperoned and doesn't need a whistle or light in a classroom or recess. He should be safe on a school campus, (okay okay minus the rare sensationalized shooting). Its for when he is away from supervision that he needs these things. Or when he has to think on his own when he is ahead or trailing behind us or at a store.
I'll be honest, my son doesn't play outside without adult supervision. No friends in the neighborhood so that is a non-issue right now.