OMG....Patrick McManus is the best. When I went out to Utah and did the Green River for ten days, I took along "They shoot canoes, Don't they?" and read aloud to my two other fellow canoers in the evening with a great fire going. We looked forward to those stories so much, that now I recommend that book to anyone venturing out and wanting something to read. If you want to laugh out loud, all the deer hunters will appreciate his "Deer on a bicycle" story, in which he goes hunting as a kid, only has his bike, wings a deer, and thinking it's dead he straps himself to it to get it home. Halfway down a hill the deer wakes up and......well, you can pretty much guess the rest. I wish I had a friend like Retch Sweeney!
seeking to balance risk and reward
Audaces fortuna iuvat...fortune favors the bold
Practice methodical caution...Les Stroud