Solar Cells has brought that evolution to us when needed out in the field and the bigger cells are getting to a point that you could use a lot of electronic electronic devices when lost out in the woods as you are aware. When you are stranded out anywhere and all your batteries are dead or reached there 3 to 5 year life span and they all died at once because you bought all your batteries at the same time, then you need something to take over. Powering lights,radios,water purification,fire elements,gps,mp3 players or what ever you need can be a great aid if you don't mind the space and weight. You may not need anything this big for traveling (unless you go places where Matt(Polak187) goes. I'd like to see a small one like Izzy has for a day excursion if it was a little more powerful.

Here is a old pathetic video shot awhile back that needs to be updated drastically but you get the idea from the video. Best to watch with fast forwarding, can get boring as this is my norm.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Failure is not an option!
USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985