I, too, have been waiting for someone to answer your post on flying tips for non-pilots because I think it raises an even bigger question; Is there a "checklist" of sorts that could keep a person out of all/most/some/any survival situation, or is it more of a gut feeling or sixth sense that helps the most?

If I was on an airplane and the pilot stumbled aboard reeking of burbon, I, as well as anyone else with even the slightest self-preservation instinct, would be inclined to get off. That's an obvious one. But what about the times when something "just doesn't feel right," even though nothing can be pinpointed as wrong or out of place? Should that be considered an indicator of something being wrong, should it simply be dismissed out of hand, or somewhere in the middle?

Back to the checklist, other than the obvious things (drunk pilots, hurricane conditions, duct tape holding wings on, etc) do you think a comprehensive list CAN be compiled such that following the list eliminates, or more realistically, severely reduces the likelyhood of bad things happening?


P.S. Aardwolf, why did the father pull the boy of the trip in "Blue Water?"